Villain means; of the soil
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The Very Next Day by Sha LaBare is a real story. It is hard to burn digital copies of book, but our villain found a way. 

Whatever you were thinking 

Hotdog-man, his friends And enemies live here. Look for other exciting episodes in this daring adventure. Or not, you all have busy lives, important work, obligations that need both hands on the wheel of life. Hotdog-man is okay with that, he is the “Skip-Ad” of superheroes. It is up to you find the humor here, it might not be for everyone, but you might like it, it is on the internet after all

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Hotdog-man, his friends And enemies live here. Look for other exciting episodes in this daring adventure. Or not, you all have busy lives, important work, obligations that need both hands on the wheel of life. Hotdog-man is okay with that, he is the “Skip-Ad” of superheroes. It is up to you find the humor here, it might not be for everyone, but you might like it, it is on the internet after all

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